Berkano is now among other things a training coven under Jarðarröst coven. Jarðarröst is a Gardnerian coven.
The info found here is not training material as such, you will be privy to that if and when you ask to become a formal member of the coven and are admitted. Consider the info here as just that, info. Info from us to you that we hope will give a good start to your witch practice, or enrich a already active practice.
A lot of the info here comes from the founder of our line, in her hounor, all her articles will be published and signed by The Crone.
And remember; everyone can be a witch, witchcraft has no owner or comes under no copyright. To be a Wicca witch on the other hand demands that you are part of the Wicca religion. Gerald B. Gardner was the first to use that word Wicca in "public". From Gardner comes initiatory Gardnerian Wicca. And yes we own that; Gardnerian wicca. And yes we demand that to call yourself Gardnerian you have to go through the training required, and then be initiated.
Enjoy the material and;
Blessed Be
- Kategori: Treningscoven
- Web Master By
- Treff: 1279
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Magi Antall artikler: 7
Here you will find info on magic.
Healing which is important magic to most witches, so healing will have its own category and home. Likewise rituals that of course contains magic. Wicca witches and Gardnerian witches see magic as a essential part of their practice, this i part of the explanation of that: